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Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Finis J. Dake

♥♪ Come, Divine Interpreter ♥♪

ok, Why am I putting up this post?

Because I heard from a minister friend years ago that the Dake's Annotated Reference Bible was the BEST STUDY BIBLE for people in the ministry. These people (actually it was both the minister & his wife) highly respected Mr. Dake, because of GOD's annointing. Now, after all these years, I just learned about it myself & as with ALL GOOD THINGS, I WANT TO SHARE THEM!!!

Born in 1902, Finis Dake rejected Christianity until age 17. In May of 1920, Dake received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Dake was called to the ministry and became aware of a newfound ability-he could quote hundreds of scriptures although he had only read a little of the Bible. Later, as Dake began to study the Bible, this spiritual total recall would make it possible for him to memorize volumes of scripture, learn Greek and Latin, and author a reference Bible titled, DAKE'S ANNOTATED REFERENCE BIBLE. Dake's "gift of memory" did not extend to other areas and according to his wife Dorothy, Dake had a poor memory when it came to domestic things.

At 24 years of age, Dake completed Bible school and was ordained an Assemblies of God minister. After serving as an evangelist for three years, Dake became a pastor and eventually the founder and president of the Great Lakes Bible Institute in Zion, Illinois. When challenged to quote the entire New Testament, Dake quoted from Matthew through Revelation giving chapters and verses while seated in a department store window and broadcasting over a local radio station.

Dake felt that he was called and prepared by God to undertake the monumental task single-handedly annotating the Bible. Dake spent 43 years and more than 100,000 hours searching the scriptures, Bible texts, and secular history to compile a study Bible which outlines all the books in the Bible, contains a half million cross references throughout 35,000 notes and comments, and is compatible with evangelical, Pentecostal, and charismatic beliefs. During this arduous undertaking, Dake’s guiding principle was to "take the Bible literally wherein it is at all possible; if symbolic, figurative or typical language is used, then look for the literal truth it tends to convey".

Having taught himself the Greek and Latin meanings of every word in the Scriptures, along with the opinions of various scholars, Dake accomplished most of his work while pastoring a church and teaching at his Bible college. After dinner, Dake would begin work, often continuing throughout the night.

Near the completion of this great work, Dake made a naive error that cost him six months in jail and his ministerial affiliation. While traveling home from a meeting, Dake picked up a hitchhiker and in his zeal to lead her to salvation, transported the 16-year old runaway girl across state lines. Her parents pressed charges and Dake pleaded guilty to violating the Mann Act. Dake’s wife and church remained loyal during what his lawyer called an "unfortunate mistake," and Dake became licensed with another denomination. What the devil had meant for harm, however, provided Dake the opportunity to finish, uninterrupted, the DAKE'S ANNOTATED REFERENCE BIBLE-a legacy that has blessed many since his death in 1987.

A True Story - Mr.Dake's Testimony <---Taken from Mr. Dake's family's website. Read the whole story at their website.

...My decision was firm. I vowed to the Lord never to teach one thing I could not prove with two or three plain Scriptures, agreeing with Paul that “in the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established” (2 Cor.13:1). Believing also that “no prophecy .. . is of any private interpretation” (to be interpreted without comparison with other Scriptures, 2 Pet. 1:20), I reasoned that the Bible is God’s Word in human language and means exactly what it says. Any interpretation which is out of harmony with what is plainly written must be rejected as the theory of man.


If I have inspired you to study God’s Word with an open mind; if I have influenced you to take Scriptures literally; and if my testimony has made you hungry for God, His Word and His anointing, then I have accomplished the purpose I had in mind - that of blessing your life!

from Marilyn Hickey's Website: ----> Finis J. Dake

The Dakes' Reccommend The GraveDigger's Show:(me, too)

yeshuaessenor at 8:54:00 PM EDT (Link to this entry)
This entry has 2 comments: (Add your own)
    awesome entry. The gift of the Holy Spirit is a wonderful beautiful thing and I'm so very thankful for it!!!!!!

    Comment from angelrose2u - 7/5/05 11:51 PM

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    GOD's good gift of the HOLY SPIRIT is for anyone!

    When I was 17 I was reading the New Testament. (my custome was to read it after praying for GOD's enlightenment-then continue in prayer with HIM as I read along.)

    So Acts 19...the believers in a city are asked if they have received the HOLY SPIRIT since they have believed.
    and they answer back, "we have not so much as heard whether there be any HOLY SPIRIT!"

    and I said right out loud- YEAH, me neither!

    as I continued reading I saw how the apostles sent out two men to go and pray for those believers so that they, too, would recieve the HOLY SPIRIT!

    I said to GOD, "me too, LORD! Please, I want to be baptized in the HOLY SPIRIT, too!"
    now, I knew that those apostles had died a long time ago.
    But, I also knew that what GOD gave to one person, HE would give to any other person that asked.
    So, I asked.

    and, I left it all in HIS Hands. I knew sometime, I would be baptized in the HOLY SPIRIT. Whenever/however GOD did it was fine with me.

    About 3 months later I was driving along in my car (I think I was praying at the time, but I am not positive)...then, all of a sudden I started Singing OUT really loud in tongues!

    ---that is how GOD baptized me in the HOLY SPIRIT.

    a few years after that I was witnessing to someone, telling them the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST.
    out of my mouth came scripture after scripture after scripture!
    I was amazed - it was like I was just sitting there and all these scriptures were coming out of my mouth perfectly. I continued on and they accepted JESUS as their Saviour and LORD.

    Then I went through a New Testament and highlighted all the scriptures that had 'come out' and gave it to them.

    It was an incredible honor that has only happened to me once, but I can see with Mr. Dake it was a daily abiding occ
    Comment from yeshuaessenor - 7/5/05 9:11 PM


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