GOD Calling

all artwork thanks to http://thebiblerevial.com... art for the 'GLORY of GOD' and the 'GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST'!

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Location: United States

follower of JESUS...to see O.K. This is not my picture. It is W.W.J.D. To see the profile picture enlarged, go here: http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/4931/wwjd6al.jpg

Wednesday, September 21, 2005


excellent program for computer use: freely given


have you gotten your e-sword BIBLE yet?

To get yours now <---click

I have lots of BIBLE programs.......but I love this one the most.

There are over 30 translations available.

I have downloaded with the King James Red Letter Version (ha, my personal favorite)

King James with Strongs' Numbers

Spanish Sagradas Escrituras (favorite Spanish translation)

Strong's Hebrew & Greek Dictionaries

Daniel Webster's 1828 Dictionary

***Dake's Annotated Reference isn't available...

..... YET. =D~--------~---------~

yeshuaessenor at 12:18:00 PM EDT (Link to this entry)
This entry has 1 comments: (Add your own)
    ok...that was just for starters.

    after using it for a few months (and loving it!) I have just downloaded lots of other goodies!

    **Douay-Rheims BIBLE with Deutercanicals

    **Good News Bible (for when the children say, "huh?" to the King James-because I teach with KJV)

    **French Darby Bible (well, I took 3 years of French...I might get to use it someday!)


    Now, the following are NOT SCRIPTURES--and hopefully WON'T take away from our time studying GOD's Word, but rather will enhance it, and maybe we'll spend even MORE time in HIS Word than ever!

    John Wesley's Scripture Notes

    Charles G. Finney's Systematic Theology

    Spurgeon's Morning & Evening & Treasury of David

    Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge

    Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew Definitions

    Thayer's Greek Definitions

    Doré's Woodcuts (these are so beautiful)

    There is so so so much more things I didn't choose, but maybe you would find great blessings from! Just: please, get your BIBLE!
    Comment from yeshuaessenor - 7/6/05 6:49 PM


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