GOD Calling

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Sunday, September 04, 2005

Oh, You Are Going to Love This One


Job 4:7 Remember, I pray thee, who ever perished being innocent? or when were the just destroyed?

Zep 2:5 Woe to you that inhabit the sea coast, O nation of reprobates: the word of the Lord upon you, O Chanaan, the land of the Philistines, and I will destroy thee, so that there shall not be an inhabitant.

Zep 2:6 And the sea coast shall be the resting place of shepherds, and folds for cattle:

Zep 2:7 And it shall be the portion of him that shall remain of the house of Juda, there they shall feed: in the houses of Ascalon they shall rest in the evening: because the Lord their God will visit them, and bring back their captivity.

Zep 2:8 I have heard the reproach of Moab, and the blasphemies of the children of Ammon, with which they reproached my people, and have magnified themselves upon their borders.

Zep 2:9 Therefore as I live, saith the Lord of hosts the God of Israel, Moab shall be as Sodom, and the children of Ammon as Gomorrha, the dryness of thorns, and heaps of salt, and a desert even for ever: the remnant of my people shall make a spoil of them, and the residue of my nation shall possess them.

Zep 2:10 This shall befall them for their pride: because they have blasphemed, and have been magnified against the people of the Lord of hosts.

Zep 2:11 The Lord shall be terrible upon them, and shall consume all the gods of the earth: and they shall adore him every man from his own place, all the islands of the Gentiles.

Zep 2:12 You Ethiopians, also shall be slain with my sword.

Zep 2:13 And he will stretch out his hand upon the north, and will destroy Assyria: and he will make the beautiful city a wilderness, and as a place not passable, and as a desert.


Eph 6:1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is just. Eph 6:2 Honour thy father and thy mother, which is the first commandment with a promise:


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