GOD Calling

all artwork thanks to http://thebiblerevial.com... art for the 'GLORY of GOD' and the 'GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST'!

My Photo
Location: United States

follower of JESUS...to see O.K. This is not my picture. It is W.W.J.D. To see the profile picture enlarged, go here: http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/4931/wwjd6al.jpg

Monday, January 08, 2007

The Mystery of Paradise - Bishop "Earthquake" Kelley - Heaven Testimony

2nd of 5 programs originally aired on Manna-Fest about the "Secrets of Paradise".

Thursday, January 04, 2007

A New Creation

"A New Creation" This is and out standing interview with former priest
Richard Bennett and lay Catholic Clarence Hefelin. The amazing
transformation of Carence Hafelin is very evident in his testimony. Watch
and listen in as true biblical salvation is played out in real life. This
program helps define the biblical concept of being born again and walking as
a new creation. A sharp contrast with the Catholic idea that infant baptism
as the source of new life is conveyed. A very touching story of true
conversion. Please share with your friends, and if possible post a link on
your website.

Richard's website: www.bereanbeacon.org
Your comments or questions are greatly appreciated: info@bereanbeacon.org.
Richard's testimony - http://www.archive.org/details/richardbennetttestimony

2603 W. Wright St.
Pensacola, FL. 32505
(850) 438-6666 Fax: (850) 438-0227
Richard Bennett's programs are broadcast on public access stations by sponsors without charge. If interested write warneveryone@verizon.net for info.

Salvation is here


The Way of The Master Episode 4 The Summary of Salvation

This is Non-Copyright livingwaters.com bryanturner.org Evangelist Ray Comfort Kirk Cameron posted by Evangelist Bryan Turner

4. The Summary of Salvation:
Join Kirk and Ray for further vital teaching. This is foundational and will be built on in future episodes. The principles taught are truly life-changing and absolutely necessary, if we weant to reach this lost and dying world with the message of the Gospel.

My Interview With Linda Currie Missions To Mozambique

Linda is Training For Missions Work In Mozambique with IRIS Ministries!
This is Her Interview With Me Just Prior To Leaving End Of October 2006.
Location Peterborough Ontario Canada.

Roman Road message of Salvation

You are lost without Jesus & How to be saved
Gen 2:17
Romans 2:11, 3:10,23 , 5:12, 6:23, 8:1-2, 10:9,10
Revelation 20:15

can you testify of your personal salvation experience with Jesus ?


Witnessing - Kirk Cameron - One on Many

The responsibility of delivering the life-saving Gospel to the lost has been committed to all believers. That’s right, ALL believers, not just ordained ministers, evangelists, or missionaries. In fact, the Apostle Paul said that the ministry of reconciling people to God has been given to all those who have been born-again, whose old life has passed away, and all things have become new. “...if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation” (2 Cor. 5:17-18).
Christians must understand that this is a very serious responsibility. It is a matter of life or death! The consequences of what we do may determine the eternal destiny of our friends, family, or acquaintances. There are individuals who may spend eternity in Heaven with Christ because we told them about Jesus Christ. And even more sobering, there may be those who suffer eternal torment in the lake of fire FOREVER, simply because we couldn’t find the time or were too “embarrassed” to talk about Jesus!

Understanding Grace Hell's Best Kept Secret HBKS Bryan Turner | Evangelism

Hell's Best Kept Secret
Why do 80-90% of those making a decision for Christ fall away from the faith? What is the principle that Spurgeon, Wesley, Whitefield, etc., used to reach the lost? Why has the Church neglected it? Don't let anything stop you from listening to this incredible teaching.
KIRK CAMERON: "Powerful. Life-changing. Prepare to be shocked."
BRYAN TURNER: "I can't… but preach anything else"
RON DICIANNI: "Ray Comfort forever changed my approach to sharing the gospel."
TOM GRINNER, Gateway Broadcasting: "This is the hottest message on the planet!"
PASTOR REB BRADLEY: "It will revolutionize the Church."
PASTOR WAYNE WELBORN: "The best thing I have ever heard!"
PASTOR KEN ARMSTRONG: "I began to weep as I saw the importance of this message."
PASTOR JEROD MCPHERSON: "'Hell's Best Kept Secret' has completely destroyed my theology. What was first anger toward you caused me to search the Scripture, and has now turned to a sincere thank-you."
PASTOR CHRIS STOCKWELL: "I listened to [the audio of] 'Hell's Best Kept Secret' 250 times!"
TOM ELLIFF, Past-president of the Southern Baptist Convention: "'Hell's Best Kept Secret' is a message every congregation needs to hear."
This is Non-Copyright livingwaters.com bryanturner.org Evangelist Ray Comfort posted by Evangelist Bryan Turner
Evangelism101 Liberty Univeristy(www.Liberty.edu)Dr. Ben Gutierrez IV

Understanding Grace Hell's Best Kept Secret HBKS Bryan Turner | Evangelism

Hell's Best Kept Secret
Why do 80-90% of those making a decision for Christ fall away from the faith? What is the principle that Spurgeon, Wesley, Whitefield, etc., used to reach the lost? Why has the Church neglected it? Don't let anything stop you from listening to this incredible teaching.
KIRK CAMERON: "Powerful. Life-changing. Prepare to be shocked."
BRYAN TURNER: "I can't… but preach anything else"
RON DICIANNI: "Ray Comfort forever changed my approach to sharing the gospel."
TOM GRINNER, Gateway Broadcasting: "This is the hottest message on the planet!"
PASTOR REB BRADLEY: "It will revolutionize the Church."
PASTOR WAYNE WELBORN: "The best thing I have ever heard!"
PASTOR KEN ARMSTRONG: "I began to weep as I saw the importance of this message."
PASTOR JEROD MCPHERSON: "'Hell's Best Kept Secret' has completely destroyed my theology. What was first anger toward you caused me to search the Scripture, and has now turned to a sincere thank-you."
PASTOR CHRIS STOCKWELL: "I listened to [the audio of] 'Hell's Best Kept Secret' 250 times!"
TOM ELLIFF, Past-president of the Southern Baptist Convention: "'Hell's Best Kept Secret' is a message every congregation needs to hear."
This is Non-Copyright livingwaters.com bryanturner.org Evangelist Ray Comfort posted by Evangelist Bryan Turner
Evangelism101 Liberty Univeristy(www.Liberty.edu)Dr. Ben Gutierrez IV

Friday, August 18, 2006


Messianic Prophecy